Three contiguous projects represent a 144,000-hectare (355,832-acre) land package in the heart of Newfoundland.
The Robert’s Arm, Leamington and Hodge’s Hill prospective exploration lands cover numerous geologically favorable corridors conducive to gold mineralization across 5,760 mineral claims covered by 37 licenses.
The claims are host to distinct magnetic high units (Gabbro’s) in settings indicative of known regional gold occurrences. Named after Gabbro, a hamlet near Rosignano Marittimo in Tuscany, these rocks are associated with continental volcanism, a region-specific gold target indicator.
Robert’s Arm Project
The project is located in the north-west corner of the Western Exploit District at 42,650 hectares in size.
Location: The NW corner of the project is 2 km south of the community of Roberts Arm.
Claim: Covers 12 mineral licences for a total of 1706 claims, or 42,650 hectares (426 square km).
Access: Highway 380 runs through the NW corner of the claim block with Forestry roads running through 8 of the 12 licenses.
Highlights – The property straddles 38 km of the Red Indian Line suture zone and also has approximately 200 km of magnetic high lineaments which are untested gabbro’s.
T1: Au, As – NE Magnetic lineament, minor Gold Showing
T2: Au, As Tills, Gold Showing on Structure
T3: Au, As Till on Magnetic Structures Gabbro’s
T4: Au Till on Magnetic Structures Gabbro’s
T5: Au, As Tills on Magnetic Structures Gabbro’s
T6: Magnetic lineaments Gabbro’s
- The western and northern boundaries straddle 38 km of the Red Indian Line (RIL) suture zone; the main structural contact between the Laurentia and Ganderia Terrain boundaries. Some early gold exploration (1987 & 2004) along the RIL structure 50 km to the ENE uncovered over (30+) gold occurrences stretching along 22 km of the RIL – either on the RIL or within 6 km of the structure.
- The very limited gold exploration that occurred in the NW corner of the project (late 1980’s and early 1990’s) discovered 4 gold occurrence that are associated with either the Red Indian Line structure or the Gummy Brook Gabbro.
- The project has about 200 km of distinct magnetic high units (Gabbro’s) that are outlining regional anticline –synclines that have never been tested for gold, this is the same setting as one of the known gold occurrences (on a prospector claim in the SW corner of the project) and is the same geological setting as the Baie Verte (Pine Cove) deposit 50 km to the NNW.
- The NFLD Government regional till survey post-1980’s gold exploration, indicates anomalous gold and arsenic associated with the regional anticlines and gabbro’s. These till’s have never been investigated.
- This is a unique opportunity as the majority of the claim block has never seen any gold exploration.
Robert’s Arm covers mainly mafic to siliciclastic marine volcanic rocks of late Cambrian to Middle Ordovician age, known as the Wild Bight Group. Running through the Wild Bight unit is a distinct magnetic high gabbro sill unit known as the Gummy Brook Gabbro. It is this unit that is related to the known gold mineralization in the area. The main highlight is that the property is straddling 38 km of the RIL suture zone and that it also has numerous linear magnetic high anomalies interpreted to be untested gabbro units.
Leamington Project
The largest of the three Western Exploit District project areas at 62,300 hectares located in the north-east corner of the District.
Location: A few smaller communities are situated on the project such as Leading Tickles to the north, Point Bay to the west and the largest, Point Leamington located in the central area.
Claim: Covers 16 mineral licences for a total of 2492 claims, or 62,300 hectares (632 square km).
Access: Highway 350 runs through the central part of the project and highway 352 runs along the western side. The are a large number of forestry roads in the area, providing easy access to 15 out of the 16 licenses.
Highlights: The main highlight is that the property is straddling 38 Km of the Red Indian Line suture zoneand that it also has around 200 km of magnetic high lineaments which are untested gabbro’s.
T1: Red Indian Line – Structural corridor with gabbro’s
T2: Gabbro’s with gold showings – Ready for soil Grid work
T3: Gold, Arsenic in Tills – Needs Mag and Grid
T4: NE Faults anomalous in Gold Tills – Mag Done – Ready for Grid
T5: Prospective Gabbro’s – Mag done – Ready for small linear Grid
T6: SW Complex (Gabbro’s ) conglomerate contact
Gold Targets:
The northern boundary straddles 20 km of the Red Indian Line (RIL) suture zone; the main deep seated structural contact between the Laurentia and Ganderia Terrain boundaries.
- Previous gold exploration (1987 & 2004) along the RIL structure 25 km to the ENE uncovered over (30+) gold occurrences stretching along 22 km of the RIL; either on the RIL or within 6 km of the structure. The project is flanked to the east (30 km) by the Northern Arm Fault, which is the same fault system the Valentine’s Lake deposit (3.9 M/oz) straddles.
- The project has seen very limited gold exploration. In 2004 a small exploration program (4-5 days) along the eastern area uncovered 2 new gold showings with grab samples running 2 to 5 g/t Au associated with the gabbro’s.
- The project has about 50-60 km of Gabbro’s, with 90% never investigated. The same gabbro units 4-8 km to the east of the Property have over 20 known gold occurrences.
- The NFLD Government regional till survey indicates anomalous gold and arsenic samples which have seen very little gold exploration. The area was historically explored for copper.
- The project encompasses 3 major geological units;
- To the West, mid to early ordovician mafic marine volcanics of the Wild Bight group, which is composed of mixture of wackes, basalts, and sandstone turbidites.
- To the North to NNW, a 4 km wide trending zone composed of shales and mafic intrusives of gabbro’s, diorite, and tonalite.
- The East side, the project is mainly composed of turbidites, wackes and conglomerates, plus a number of prospective mafic gabbro’s, dikes and sills throughout.
- This is a unique opportunity as most of the claim block has never been explored for gold.
Leamington targets an area measuring 30 km EW by 36 Km NS that hosts the prospective rocks of the Exploits Terrane, which the Newfoundland Government regional till survey showed was anomalous in gold and arsenic. The target also has close to 100 km of various regional structures running through it, with approximately 50-60 sq-km of prospective gabbros.
The claim block’s northern boundary straddles 20 km of the Red Indian Line (“RIL”) suture zone, which is the main deep structural contact between the Laurentia and Gander Terrane boundaries. The project is also flanked along the eastern side (30 km) by the Northern Arm Fault , which is the same fault system that the Valentine Lake project straddles.
Hodge's Hill Project
The project consists of 39,050 hectares located in the south-west corner of the Western Exploit District.
Location: Located 12 km north of the community of Badger along the Trans Canada Highway.
Claim: Covers 9 mineral licences for a total of 1562 claims, or 39,050 hectares or 390 square km.
Access: Forestry roads run through 8 of the 9 licenses.
Highlights: The projects covers one of the most prospective rocks: a Pyroxene Gabbro. Gabrro’s have long been recognized in the past as being directly associated with gold mineralization in the Baie Verte area such as Anaconda Mines Pine Cove deposit and more recently, the discovery (2014) by Anaconda of the Stog’er Tight and Argyle showings.
Gold Targets:
Major Regional NE and NNW Structure outline by the regional NFLD airborne magnetics.
Anomalous NFLD Till sample in gold and arsenic sitting right on the regional structure
Most of the project has never had a claim staked on it.
This is a unique opportunity to be the first company to evaluate the Hodges Hill gabbro.
The Geological Survey of Canada (Open File 8658) specifically indicates how the brittle nature of the gabbrotonalite-granodiorite body (Cripple-back intrusive suite) that underlies the Wildling lake showing and Valentine lake discovery (3.9 M/oz) which make excellent prospective comparables.
Hodge’s Hill contains major regional NE and NNW structure outlined by the regional NFLD airborne magnetics. This package presents a unique opportunity to evaluate the Hodges Hill gabbro. Gabbro’s have long been recognized as being directly associated with gold mineralization in the Baie Verte area such as Anaconda Mines Pine Cove deposit and more recently the discovery (2014) by Anaconda Mining of the Stog’er Tight and Argyle showings. Recent research conducted by the Geological Survey of Canada (Open File 8658) specifically indicates how the brittle nature of the gabbro-tonalite-granodiorite body (Crippleback intrusive suite) that underlies the Wildling Lake showing and Marathon’s Valentine Lake Gold Project (3.9 Moz*), and which Hodge’s Hill is associated with, makes a highly prospective target for gold deposition.